Ruscombe Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council
Held via Zoom Video call due to the Covid 19 virus outbreak
On Wednesday 6th January 2021 at 7:30pm
Councillors Present: Mr J May (Chairman), Mr M Evans, Mr P Cassidy, Mrs C Bulman, Mr G Merrick, Mrs K Robson, Mrs J Holmes (From item 5/21) and Mr G Howe (until item 7/21)
Twyford Parish Councillor Present: Mrs L Jarvis
Others Present: Jade Kidd Maidenhead Advertiser
Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid
Mr May opened the meeting at 7:33pm.
1/21 Apologies for Absence: None
2/21 Declaration of Interest: Mr May and Mr Evans declared that they are directors of the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).
3/21 Minutes: Minutes for 2nd December 2020 circulated via email. Proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mr Evans, approved unanimously but not signed due to not being together.
4/21 Public Comments sent to the Clerk or Councillors: None but Mr Merrick reported that he was aware of a campervan that had its windscreen shot at recently, this was reported to the police.
Mrs Robson joined the meeting.
5/21 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: Mrs Jarvis updated that the Twyford Covid support group is working hard again to supply people with food and support if they require it. TPC had a highly successful tree planting session where 75 residents had purchased trees to be planted in Stanlake Meadow. TPC have had water installed on site so the trees can be watered. Twyford continue their pledge to be plastic free.
6/21 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: Mr Howe reported that Wokingham’s annual housing requirement has been lowered from 1600 to 760. This has been achieved by the work of John Halsall raising the issue to Rt Hon Robert Jenrick and Rt Hon Theresa May raising it in Parliament. Wargrave Surgery were the first GP surgery to administer the Covid 19 vaccine.
Mr Howe left the meeting to attend a WBC meeting.
7/21 2021/2022 Budget: Completed. RPC will decrease the requested precept by 7.5%. Mrs Reid will submit this to WBC to set the precept council tax for 2021/2022. The budget is proposed by Mr Cassidy, seconded by Mrs Robson and approved unanimously. Mrs Reid will request quote for small white gate type fences for the boundary of Ruscombe. Mrs Reid will investigate how much it would cost to have hanging baskets on every lamppost in Ruscombe for 20201 spring/summer. Mrs Reid will talk to Twyford Youth Centre and Twyford Parish Council about grants to each of them as budgeted for 2020/2021.
8/21 Planning Applications
203338 197 London Road: RPC would like assurance that the rear extension needs to be carried out so that it does not interfere with the boundary. This is proposed by Mr Evans, seconded by Mr Merrick and approved unanimously.
9/21 Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Reid reported that the Neighbourhood Plan is ready for sign off and Regulation 14 public consultation can begin once consultation material is ready. Mrs Reid reported that the original plans for consultation will not be suitable because of Covid. WBC have advised that RPC produce a summary document to be distributed to all households in Ruscombe and offer residents the opportunity to comment, ask questions, or request a full copy of the document should they like one. The document will be on RPC website. ONeill Homer are able to produce the content for this summary document for £550+VAT. Mrs Reid will request a quote from a delivery company that RPC have had quotes form previously and providing the price is still reasonable, request them to deliver to the bulk of Ruscombe and Mrs Reid will arrange postage to the remaining houses. Mr May proposed that the Neighbourhood Plan is agreed, and consultation is done by summary document, Mr Merrick seconded this and approved unanimously.
10/21 Ruscombe Ponds: Mrs Reid reported that Kingfisher Ponds have quoted £1,800 to dredge the bullrushes and cut back some of the surrounding plant growth. RPC do not want to replace the fence at this time. Mrs Reid has had communication with two other companies to quote for dredging but neither have come back with a quote. This is proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mr Cassidy and approved unanimously.
11/21 Defibrillators in Ruscombe: Twyford Together purchased defibrillators for Twyford and Ruscombe area because it felt they were very important to have but now they would like to hand over the defibrillators to the Parish Council’s. There are 2 defibrillators in Ruscombe, one at Burratta’s at the Royal Oak and one near St James church. Defibrillators require batteries to be changed every 4 years ranging from £160 to £215+VAT and pads require changing every 2 years or after use, ranging from £33 to £45+VAT. Mr Merrick proposed that RPC do take on the defibrillators, seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously.
12/21 Green Prescriptions with Twyford Parish Council: RPC agreed that they would like to join with Twyford Parish Council to allow Ruscombe residents to access the Green Prescription service. RPC are willing to fund the service to the same value that Twyford are which will be between £1,000 and £1,300. This is proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mrs Robson and approved unanimously.
13/21 Public Consultation for a new Joint Health and Well-Being Strategy for Reading, West Berks and Wokingham: Mrs Reid will answer on behalf of RPC but also forward the survey to all councillors to complete their personal answers.
14/21 CIL money
Land at Pennfields: RPC have the lease for the land but not the Land registry yet because there is delay getting land registered because of Covid but RPC can commence work on the land. Pest UK have laid rat bait. CR Landscapes are available to start work on the land in May 2021. RPC had asked CR Landscapes to reduce the quantity of maintenance contract but they explained more about what would be required during the maintenance time and RPC have agreed to the contract of alternate weeks for £50 each. The insurance policy also requires regular maintenance so this will cover that too. The insurance also requires a risk assessment, Mrs Reid will produce this and circulate. Mrs Reid will also look into signage for the land and investigate getting water installed. This is proposed by Mr Evans, seconded by Mrs Robson and approved unanimously.
15/21 Finance: Payments to consider: –
Gillett & Johnston Clock service £192: Paid Unity #1/1 2021
Pest UK £162: Paid Unity #2/1 2021
Clerk wages and expenses £744.32: Paid Unity #3/1 2021
Nest pension £54.52: Paid #4/1 2021
SSE (December) £34.64: Paid Natwest direct debit
These payments are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mrs Robson and approved unanimously.
16/21 Reports from liaison rep: None to report
Mr May closed the meeting at 9:32pm