
RPC Minutes 3rd February 2021

2021 Minutes Uploaded on September 16, 2021

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council

Held via Zoom Video call due to the Covid 19 virus outbreak

On Wednesday 3rd February 2021 at 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Mr J May (Chairman until item 27/21), Mrs Bulman (Chair from item 27/21), Mr M Evans, Mr P Cassidy, Mr G Merrick, Mrs K Robson and Mrs J Holmes.

Twyford Parish Councillor Present: Mrs L Jarvis

Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid

Mr May opened the meeting at 7:33pm.

17/21 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe

18/21 Declaration of Interest:  Mr May and Mr Evans declared that they are directors of the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).

19/21 Minutes: Minutes for 6th January 2021 circulated via email.  Proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Merrick, approved unanimously but not signed due to not being together.

20/21 Public Comments sent to the Clerk or Councillors: Mrs Reid has had an email from a resident to report that the pathway along London Road in Ruscombe and Wargrave has narrowed because the verge has slipped or grown over the pathway and that London Road hedges are full of litter. Mrs Reid has reported the pathway to WBC who have said they will resolve the problem. Mrs Holmes will liaise with WBC to ask if RPC can hold a litter picking day. RPC also received some feedback via Kingfisher ponds that residents would like a bench near the crossroads pond. Mrs Reid will find some quotes. Mr Merrick requested that could RPC consider cutting back the hedge on the other side of the crossroads pond. Mrs Reid will ask CR Landscapes to quote for this.

21/21 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: Mrs Jarvis reported that Twyford are having new gateways installed at the boundary lines of Twyford to include Twinned with Cuincy. TPC are funding 20 weeks outreach work with the Youth Centre to have Youth workers on the streets of Twyford to encourage youths into the Youth Centre as opposed to spending time on the streets or in the park in the evenings. TPC are planning to hold their Annual Parish Meeting via a Webinar. TPC have made a grant donation to Citizen Advice Wokingham. TPC councillors have all made a video thanking the NHS. The Green Prescriptions Team are building a shed ready for their project.

22/21 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: No one in attendance but Mr Howe has sent via email news that WBC are working hard to deliver Covid vaccinations. WBC residents have agreed to fund an 18 Month mental health pilot study to be provided by Oxfordshire Mind.

23/21 Planning Applications

210036 37 New Road, Ruscombe: RPC would prefer the entrance door to the Granny Flat to be opening onto the driveway to protect the privacy of the neighbours along a narrow pathway along the side of the property.

210007 5 Church Lane, Ruscombe: No comment

210150 Northbury Farm, Ruscombe: No Comment

210218 201 London Road, Ruscombe: This application is lacking the documentation to demonstrate what is existing and therefore RPC cannot make an appropriate judgement on the application because it does not comply with planning standards.

24/21 Finance: Payments to consider: –

Kingfisher ponds £1,800: Paid via Unity 1/2 2021

Twyford Parish Council donation £200: Paid via Unity 2/2 2021

Twyford Youth Centre donation £500: Paid via Unity 3/2 2021

ONeill Homer: £3060.00 and £660.00: Paid via Unity 4/2 and 5/2 2021

Shareplan leaflet distribution £174.60: Paid via Unity 6/2 2021

Clerk wages and expenses £659.32: Paid Via Unity 7/2 2021

Nest pension £56.99: Paid via Unity 8/2 2021

SSE (January) £29.52: Paid via NatWest direct debit

These payments are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Merrick and approved unanimously.

25/21 CIL:

Ruscombe history Information board: Mrs Reid has spoken to Jerry Wise who organised the Twyford Information boards, the board costs approximately £1,000 and Mr Wise could the artwork for us. Mr Wise initially proposed that it could contain information about the brickworks, willow stripping yard and Twyford Lake (that was in Ruscombe). Mrs Reid will ask Mr Wise to proceed with putting together information and confirm if the quote is just the board or the board and fitting. RPC would like it to sit at an angle so it does not interfere with residents view. Mrs Reid will inform the church that RPC are planning to have a board on the land adjoining the church.

Land Next to St James Church: RPC know from a land registry search that this land is not owned. Mrs Reid will investigate how to express an interest in this land.

26/21 Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Reid reported that ONeill Homer are making final edits to the summary document and then it will be ready to be delivered out to all residents in the first week of the 8 week consultation period, beginning 15th February and ending 12th April 2021. Mrs Reid will also get 50 draft documents printed ready to be delivered to residents that request to read the full document but that cannot access it via RPC website.

Mr May left the meeting and Mrs Bulman took chair.

27/21 Ruscombe Ponds: Mrs Reid asked if RPC could have a risk assessment completed for the Ruscombe ponds by Sundew Ecology because of the great Crested Newts being a protected species. Sundew Ecology have quoted £350 + travel costs. This is proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mrs Robson and approved unanimously.

28/21 Risk assessments and Health and Safety policy: Mrs Reid has shared via email a risk assessment for the Community Orchard at Pennfields and a Health and Safety document for volunteers working on RPC land. Mrs Reid will look at the numbering and layout on the health and safety document to make it more user friendly. These are proposed by Mr Evans to be adopted by RPC, seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously.

29/21 Ruscombe Walking map: Mrs Reid has shared via email a quote from Sundew Ecology for £2,752.20 to have a map put together of suggested walking routes and points of interest along the way. RPC would like Sundew Ecology to complete this because RPC know Sundew Ecology to be knowledgeable from the work they have completed for RPC Neighbourhood Plan. This is proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mr Evans and approved unanimously.

30/21 Defibrillators in Ruscombe: Mrs Reid asked if any councillors that would be near the defibrillators anyway would be willing to complete the weekly checks they require. Mr Evans will check the one at Burattas. Once Mrs Reid has received the manual from Twyford Together, Mrs Reid will forward this onto Mr Evans along with an explanation of what to look for. Mr Merrick will be back up if Mr Evans is not able to check it.

31/21 Reports from liaison rep: Mrs Jarvis reported that Polehampton Swimming Pool has flooded with sewage because of blocked pipes in the school playground. They are covered by insurance and are expecting the insurance assessors to come out on Friday to see what will need to be done. Mrs Bulman asked Mrs Jarvis to come back to RPC if there is anything that RPC can help with.

32/21 Any other business:

Mrs Reid asked if RPC should consider asking CR Landscapes to postpone the orchard work until autumn for better tree planting time of the year but councillors assured Mrs Reid that with a maintenance contract in place and regular watering they should be fine because they will be transplanted with their established root base.

Mr Merrick asked if RPC had had any feedback from their questions in relation to planning application 203322, Mrs Reid reported that RPC have received notification from WBC to say the application was approved but not RPC’s specific requests. Mrs Reid will follow this up.

Mrs Bulman closed the meeting at 8:56pm