
RPC Minutes 6th April 2022

2022 Minutes Uploaded on April 11, 2022

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the Twyford Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford

On Wednesday 6th April 2022 at 7:30 pm

Councillors Present: Mr M Evans (Chair), Mrs C Bulman, Mr G Merrick, Mrs J Holmes (from item 50/22) and Mr G Howe (From item 50/22).

Councillors Present via Zoom: Mr P Cassidy and Mr J May (From item 55/22) connected to the room via RPC laptop.

Also in attendance: Three members of the public.

Clerk in attendance: Mrs Ruth Reid.

7:30 pm Mr Evans opened the meeting.

47/22 Apologies for Absence: Mr P Evans.

48/22 Declaration of Interest: Mr M Evans declare that he and Mr May are directors of Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham CPRW. Mr M Evans declared that he lived opposite planning application 220656. Mrs Bulman declared that she lived near Planning application 220660.

49/22 Minutes: Minutes for 2nd March 2022 circulated via email, Mrs Bulman noticed a spelling correction, this was corrected by Mrs Reid, approval of proposed by Mrs Bulman, seconded by Mr Merrick and approved unanimously.

Mrs Holmes joined the meeting.

Mr Howe joined the meeting during item 50/22.

50/22 Public Comments sent to the Clerk or Councillors: One member of the public did not have anything to raise to RPC. Two members of the public were in attendance to discuss Planning Application 220749, they live in a neighbouring property and are concerned because the development of a livestock polytunnel is impacting their house and health. The livestock polytunnel is 15meters from their residential property, although livestock polytunnels come under permitted development, this permission is granted at a distance of 400 meters from residential properties because of the impact such a development would have on residents. RPC agree with the residents’ objections and comments: RPC objects to this application due to the location of the polytunnel. it should be located 400 meters from a domestic residential property and because the Estate has approximately 130 acres of land, another location should be chosen. This is to reduce the environmental impact on the residents from the livestock waste and reduce the impact of noise pollution to the residents.

Two members of the public left the meeting.

51/22 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: No one in attendance

52/22 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: Mr Howe reported that he is up for election as Ward Councillor for Ruscombe, Remenham and Wargrave on 5th May 2022. WBC are receiving very high levels of demand on in school year admissions, this is because of families coming across from Hong Kong and the services will be even further stretched once the expected Ukrainian children arrive into the Borough. WBC has agreed to create a sixth form at Bohunt School because the South of Wokingham does not have a sixth form provision currently. They will also be developing a Special Educational Needs Department at Bohunt because they do not currently have one, this will mean any children attending if then provided with an Educational Health Care Plan will not have to move schools to get the extra support they are entitled too. Mr Howe is also aware that The Piggott School would like to further develop their Sixth Form provision. Mr Howe reported that the next update on the Local Plan Update is due in Autumn 2022.

53/22 Planning Applications

220660 4 St James Close: No comment

220656 35 Ruscombe Road, Twyford: RPC would like to request that consideration is given to loss of light to the neighbouring property with the proposed increase in height of the garden wall.

220749 Stanlake Park Estate: As discussed in item 50/22.

These planning comments are proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously.

54/22 Ruscombe Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Reid reported that the Neighbourhood Plan is currently held up by WBC because of appointing an examiner that RPC agrees to. RPC has taken advice from ONeill Homer who has worked directly with all three potential examiners and RPC would like to go with ONeill Homer’s recommendation.

Mr May joined the meeting.

55/22 Jubilee seeds: Mr Merrick has contacted three seed companies, one did not respond, one quoted £1.80 per seed pack and one quoted £0.96p per seed pack, Mr Merrick has sampled the third provider’s seeds and they have germinated quickly. Mr Merrick proposed that RPC should purchase seeds for each home in Ruscombe at a cost of £691.20, this is seconded by Mrs Bulman and approved unanimously. Mrs Bulman will draft something to be delivered with the seeds. RPC would like to do the delivery and Mrs Reid will ask Neighbourhood plan volunteers to also help.

Northbury Avenue Trees: RPC noticed that there were a few gaps in the locations of the new trees on Northbury. CR Landscapes quoted £331.92 to supply and plant another three trees. This is proposed by Mr Bulman, seconded by Mr Merrick and approved unanimously.

56/22 Tree Preservation Orders: There are approximately 6 trees that RPC would like TPO’s on, Mrs Reid will submit applications to WBC for their consideration. RPC believe they should have TPO’s because it would very much alter the environment of the area without them.

57/22 Edge IT Accounting System: RPC is coming to the end of their contract with Edge, Mrs Reid had hoped to have received renewal terms already but has not done so yet. Mrs Reid would like to continue using Edge IT if possible because the software is easy to use and does what RPC need it to do.

58/22 End of Year: Mrs Reid has booked the internal audit for 17th May 2022 and will therefore have the AGAR ready for sign off in June 2022.

59/22 Risk Management & Health and Safety Policy Review: Mr Merrick proposed that RPC should re-adopt these policies, seconded by Mr Evans. In the future, Mrs Reid is going to bring all RPC policies to Council in May for approval.

One member of the public left the meeting.

60/22 Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Council: The Annual Parish Meeting is booked for the 11th May 8pm in Twyford Room, Loddon Hall with Laura Buck as Guest speaker to talk about the WBC tree Project. RPC will also have a chair report, a planning report, a neighbourhood plan report, a finance report and an opportunity for Ruscombe residents to ask RPC questions. Mrs Reid will publicise this meeting in the hope of encouraging people to attend and include meeting details with the seeds flyer.

61/22 CIL Money: Mr May raised that he had spoken with the leader of the St James Church allotments, and they would be interested to know if RPC could help them with the purchase of a tap. RPC decided that they would need more information before deciding because RPC do not want to pay an ongoing water bill for the allotment, but they might be open to helping with the purchase of a tap.

62/22 Finance: Payments to consider: –

Information Commissioner £40: Paid cheque #300003

Winson Woodcraft £840: Paid #1/4 2022

Old Hogden £691.20: Paid #2/4 2022

Clerk wages and expenses £829.16: Paid #3/4 2022

Nest pension £73.05: Paid #4/4 2022

SSE (March) £56.57: Paid direct debit

63/22 Reports from liaison rep: None

64/22 Any other business: Mrs Reid will look into painting the fence around the crossroads pond. Mrs Reid will organise a plaque to be attached to the two new benches to say, “This bench has been donated by Ruscombe Parish Council to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022”.

Mr M Evans closed the meeting at 9:05 pm

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 4th May 2022



Chair signed______________________


