Ruscombe Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford
On Wednesday 1st June 2022 at 7:30pm
Councillors Present: Mr M Evans (Chair), Mr P Cassidy, Mr G Merrick and Mrs Jane Holmes, Mrs C Bulman and Mr P Evans.
Clerk in attendance: Mrs Ruth Reid.
7:32pm Mr M Evans opened the meeting.
87/22 Apologies for Absence: Mr J May, Mr G Howe and Twyford Parish Councillors.
88/22 Declaration of Interest: Mr M Evans declare that he and Mr May they are directors for Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham CPRW.
89/22 Minutes: Minutes for 4th May 2022 circulated via email, approval proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mr P Evans and approved unanimously.
90/22 Public Comments sent to the Clerk or Councillors: None.
91/22 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: No one in attendance.
92/22 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: No one in attendance.
93/22 WBC Local Plan & development sites in Ruscombe: RPC await news on how the new WBC leadership will pursue the Local Plan. RPC is aware that developers have been seen on the proposed development site off Northbury Avenue. RPC are concerned about how the development and how the construction of the development will impact existing residents. Mr Merrick will draft some guidance that RPC will ask WBC to consider, such as all construction materials and vehicles will need to be located on-site because the lane is only single vehicle access.
94/22 Planning Applications
220947 Briars Milton Way: No comment.
95/22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021 2022: Mrs Reid reported that David Weller has completed the Internal Audit part of the AGAR and Mrs Reid has shared via email his report. The AGAR form and full finance spreadsheet were also shared via email prior to this meeting. Mr M Evans presented the Annual Governance Statement and Mrs Reid the Accounting Statement. Approval of these is proposed by Mr Cassidy and seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously. Mr M Evans and Mrs Reid have signed the document and Mrs Reid will submit the AGAR and display the appropriate notices as required.
96/22 RPC Insurance: RPC have discussed this via email because the insurance renewal was 1st June, RPC has renewed with Community Action Suffolk. Mrs Reid did request other quotes but did not receive any others back. Mr Merrick raised that he thinks RPC should have warning signage at the ponds, and signate of RPC’s ownership of the ponds. Mrs Reid will get quotes on how to do this, Ownership can be within an information lectern board and water warning will be on an upright sign. Mr Merrick knows some good sign companies so will share these with Mrs Reid.
97/22 Castle End Road Pond: RPC is aware that the wood from the bench at Castle End Road Pond is missing, Mrs Reid hopes it has been taken down by a trustee or farmer until access to the bench is approved or declined. Mrs Reid will keep RPC informed once a decision has been made by the trustees and farmer.
98/22 Glebeland lease: The diocese has agreed to a lease on the Glebeland and Mrs Reid will share the terms of the lease as soon as they are received.
99/22 Trees: RPC would like a row of trees on London Road, going from the end of the houses on the North side of the road to the Ruscombe boundary. Mrs Reid will look into the ownership of the land.
100/22 CIL Money
Glebeland: RPC will first need a solicitor to manage the lease. Mrs Reid will ask for some quotes.
Allotments tap: No update.
Central bollards: No update. Mrs Reid will report them to WBC.
Boundary sign: No update. Mrs Reid will ask for an update for London Road and Ruscombe Lane.
101/22 Subscriptions to SLCC and Parish Online: Mrs Reid believes these would be beneficial to RPC, other clerks find SLCC a very useful resource of information and Parish Online will help with the common query of land boundary. Subscription to both of these is proposed by Mrs Bulman, seconded by Mr Merrick and approved unanimously.
102/22 Finance: Payments to consider: –
- CR Landscapes £120.00: Paid #1/6 2022
- BALC £252.19: Paid #2/6 2022
- Community Action Suffolk £709.15: Paid #3/6 2022
- David Weller £71.60: Paid #4/6 2022
- Royal Mail £378.00: Paid #5/6 2022
- HMRC £30.08: Paid #6/6 2022
- Clerk wages and expenses £948.97: Paid #7/6 2022
- Nest pension £89.47: Paid #8/6 2022
- SSE (May) £53.28: Paid Direct Debit
- SLCC £154.00: Paid #9/6 2022
- Parish Online £108.00: Paid 10/6 2022
These payments are proposed by Mrs Holmes, seconded by Mr P Evans and approved unanimously.
103/22 Reports from liaison rep: Mr M Evans attended the Northern Parishes Community Group, since that meeting Mr M Evans has been aware of an increase in crime in the area, Mr M Evans will raise this at the next meeting.
104/22 Any other business:
Boundary Sign on Waltham Road: This appears to have been hit by a car, Mrs Reid will report.
Training: Mr M Evans updated that HALC is running training courses again they have ones for new councillors and planning training, Mrs Reid will share the dates available, and councillors can see if they would be available. Some are run online, some in person and RPC will reimburse any expenses Councillors incur and pay for the courses of interest.
Pennfields Road surface: Mrs Reid has reported these potholes and so has a resident.
Date of next meeting: Wednesday 13th July 2022
Chair Signed _______________________