Council Members

Mrs Sally Castle

RPC Councillor

Sally was born in Reading, grew up in London before returning to live in Berkshire when she married. She has lived in Twyford and then Wargrave but sadly Sally’s husband died and fifteen years ago she chose to move to Ruscombe where she could walk to amenities and still have fields and open countryside on her doorstep.

Sally went to art school and has worked as a designer and illustrator ever since. She is a director of Reading’s independent publisher: Two Rivers Press and has taken part in the Henley Art Trail ever since it began over twenty years ago. As well as her interest in art, she is a member of Henley and Goring Ramblers,

Sally feels very much part of Ruscombe’s friendly community. Local issues that Sally is particularly interested in are footpath accessibility, street lighting and most of all, she likes to be involved in helping others with their concerns.