Ruscombe Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford
On Wednesday 8th January 2020 at 7:30pm
Councillors Present: Mr J May (chairman), Mr M Evans (chair until item 8/20), Mr A Wrigley, Mrs C Bulman, Mr P Cassidy and Mrs K Robson.
Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid.
In the absence of Mr May, Mr Evans opened the meeting at 7:35pm.
1/20 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe, Mr C Bell and Twyford Parish Councillor Mrs L Jarvis
2/20 Declaration of interest: Mr May and Mr Evans declared that they are directors for the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).
3/20Minutes: Minutes for 4th December 2019 circulated. Proposed by Mrs Bulman, seconded by Mr Wrigley, approved unanimously.
4/20 Public Forum: No one in attendance
5/20 Liaison with Twyford Parish Council: No one in attendance but Mrs Reid will share TPC minutes.
6/20 Liaison with Wokingham Borough Council: No one in attendance but councillors are aware via social media that Mr Halsall has announced that the WBC Local Plan Update will not propose any building in the Greenbelt land but will instead build a Garden Town in Grazely. RPC also aware of discussions around the supply of wheelie bins for waste and recycling and a newspaper article claiming WBC council tax will rise.
7/20 Planning applications:
193414 Interserve House: We are not invited to comment on this application however RPC do want to request that they pay attention to preserving the surrounding environment and request that some or all the units could be “affordable housing”.
192808 67 New Road: RPC object to this application because the proposed development is too far forward outside of the existing building line. Retaining the existing building line is important to maintain the character of New Road and allowing this development would set a precedent for future development in the area which RPC cannot condone.
These comments are proposed by Mrs Robson, seconded by Mr Wrigley and approved unanimously.
Mr May entered the meeting and took over chair.
8/20 CCB Loneliness Project: Mrs Reid meet with Tim Parry from CCB in December and discussed the project. The project needs a steering committee, so far this includes Mr Cassidy, Mrs Reid, Tim Parry and someone from St Marys/St James Church. Mrs Reid has also emailed to the doctor’s surgery and Buratta’s but has not heard that they want to join. Mrs Reid will feed this back to Tim Parry and see how he would like to proceed.
9/20 Budget and precept: As discussed last month, RPC set a budget expenditure of £32,000 and request a precept of £32,000, this precept will be approximately a 5% decrease for residents from that requested in 2019/2020. This budget and precept are proposed by Mr Wrigley, seconded by Mrs Robson and approved unanimously. Mrs Reid will action the precept request with WBC.
10/20 Adopt a Street: RPC would like to encourage more adopt a street volunteers, Mrs Reid will check with Gerry Wise who manages the volunteers list that this is ok, if it is Mrs Reid will use facebook, noticeboards, website and when RPC distribute for Neighbourhood Plan add a note to that leaflet to ask for volunteers to come forward.
11/20 Land opposite St James Church: WBC withdraw the application for the burial ground because the environment agency said that a burial ground would contaminate the water supply. RPC all agree that they would still be interested in owning this land for use as a community orchard (in addition to the proposed one in Pennfields). Mr May will write to the diocese and ask they consider selling the land to RPC.
12/20 Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Reid has forwarded all work to ONeill Homer and requested that they go through it all and check for anything missing. Mrs Reid will then distribute the draft plan for all councillors and NP volunteers to proof read. The next volunteer meeting is planned for the 23rd Jan, Mr May proposed we set a budget of £250 to allow RPC to purchase drinks for volunteers who have worked so hard on the plan, seconded by Mr Evans and approved unanimously. RPC to consider where volunteers names could be displayed as recognition for their work for Ruscombe.
13/20 CIL:
Bridge painting: Mrs Reid will request to Network rail again for permission to paint the bridge. Mrs Bulman requested RPC are very careful about what colour to use as she has seen other bridges recently that would not suit Ruscombe.
SID: Mrs Reid is still requesting the correct quote form Simmonsign. Mrs Bulman asked why RPC were opting for a battery operated one as opposed to a mains operated device, Mrs Reid explained that she felt a battery operated one would be easier to move because a mains powered one would have to be moved by an electrician and RPC do plan to move the device.
Grass Verge: Mrs Reid has asked WBC if they would allow RPC to create the grass verge.
Streetlamps: Mrs Reid received a rough estimate form the street lighting team, approximately £1,000 to £2,000 per lamp, Mrs Reid has requested to proceed with a formal quote.
14/20 Finance:
Oxfordshire Council Ecology data search £90: Paid Cheque #420
ONeil Homer £660: Paid Cheque #421
Twyford Youth Centre £500: Section 137 donation Paid cheque #422
Clerk wages and expenses £717.35: Paid cheque #419
Nest pension £49.90: Paid Direct Debit
SSE (December) £94.22: Paid Direct Debit
15/20 Reports from liaison reps:
Twyford Youth Centre: Mrs Robson reported that she attended their AGM, Kathy Peck is stepping down as chair but will remain on the committee as secretary. They have done substantial work to the building but there is still more to be done. They will be very grateful for the donation RPC are making to them.
Polehampton Swimming Pool Association: Mrs Robson reported Mrs Jarvis is standing down as chair but Mr John Jarvis is taking over as chair, while Mrs Jarvis will become treasurer. Mrs Robson has joined the committee. PSA did substantial fund raising over 2019 for new pool equipment however they will hold off progressing with any work until it is confirmed that the land ownerships and a lease to the PSA are resolved.
Twyford Together: Mr Cassidy reported that TT had requested RPC to consider anyone to nominate to attend the Queens Garden party, someone who has added value to the area, RPC have agreed who to nominate, Mr Cassidy will forward the nomination form to Mrs Reid.
16/20 Any other business:
Tree planting: Mr Evans has spoken to Mr G Hook and he is happy to help if he can with contact details of land ownership in Ruscombe. Mr Cassidy has contacted Simmons and Sons who manage some of the land around Ruscombe, they will contact us if anything becomes available. Mr Evans will ask Mr Hook if he is aware of contact details for the remaining landowners. Mrs Bulman also suggested that RPC could encourage all land owners to be making more of the land they own, and enhance the existing hedgerows.
Noticeboards: Whilst putting up meeting agenda’s Mrs Reid noticed an advertisement had been placed in one of them, Mrs Reid will make a notice to alert people to contact RPC if they would like to advertise but the only advertisements allowed will be things of local interest to Ruscombe, like the theatre society.
Mr May closed the meeting at 9:10pm