
RPC Minutes 5th January 2022

2022 Minutes Uploaded on January 10, 2022

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the Twyford Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford

On Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Mr J May (Chair), Mr M Evans, Mr P Cassidy, Mr P Evans, Mrs J Holmes and Mr G Merrick.

Councillors Present via Zoom: Mr G Howe connected to the room via RPC laptop.

Clerk in attendance: Mrs Ruth Reid.

7:35pm Mr May opened the meeting.

1/22 Apologies for Absence: Mrs C Bulman

2/22 Declaration of Interest: Mr May and Mr M Evans declare that they are directors for Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham CPRW.

3/22 Minutes: Minutes for 3rd November 2021 circulated via email, approval proposed by Mr may, seconded by Mr M Evans and approved unanimously. Minutes for 1st December 2021 circulated via email and approval proposed by Mr Cassidy, seconded by Mr M Evans and approved unanimously.

4/22 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillor: Mr Howe reported that he is aware of information being distributed by Berkely Home advertising “Twyford Garden” which they want to build on Ruscombe Greenbelt. All other RPC councillors are also aware of this and are concerned. Mrs Reid will re-issue their press statement to newspapers and circulate via RPC website and social media. Mrs Reid will arrange to circulate a flyer to preferably all the RG10 area asking people to support the current development locations in the local plan update (none are in the Greenbelt) and make people aware every person in the house can respond to the consultation. Mrs Reid will agree this with RG10 Parises prior to distribution. Mr May will ask if CPRW can do anything to help. Some of these will incur costs and RPC authorise Mrs Reid to spend up to £5,000, this is proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Cassidy and approved unanimously.

Mr Howe left the meeting.

5/22 Public Comments sent to the Clerk or Councillors: None

6/22 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: No one in attendance

7/22 Planning Applications

213961 1 Coppers, Ruscombe Lane: RPC believe the drawings of this application show a large, glazed window on the gable end of the rear elevation, RPC object to this application because it does not fully describe the alterations. If this large window is to be approved, as a minimum this window should be obscured glass and fixed closed to not overlook neighbouring properties.

213962 2 Coppers, Ruscombe Lane: RPC believe the drawings of this application show a large, glazed window on the gable end of the rear elevation, RPC object to this application because it does not fully describe the alterations. If this large window is to be approved, as a minimum this window should be obscured glass and fixed closed to not overlook neighbouring properties.

213907 Land on Ruscombe Business Park: RPC object to the location of this mast and request that a new location, further into the business park is found. This is to reduce its visibility to current residents on Ruscombe Lane and future residents in CMA/Spitfire House.

Planning developments and local employment: Mr Merrick asked if there anything else RPC can do to protect employment in Ruscombe? Mr May explained that during the Neighbourhood Plan development, RPC did have the option to apply to remove permitted development from business premises to residential, but RPC did not take this because at the time RPC felt they would rather have building lived in than empty office space. Once the Neighbourhood Plan is made, RPC could make amendments to it, so this could be considered again if RPC want to (subject to re-approval processes).

8/22 2022/2023 Budget and Precept: RPC have set the 2022/2023 precept at £29,300 this is a 1% reduction on last year’s precept. This is proposed by Mr Cassidy, seconded by Mr P Evans and approved unanimously.

9/22 Crossroads pond maintenance: Stephen Loyd has advised that some trees at the back of the pond need to be cut and the bull rushes need to be removed. Mrs Reid will request quotes for this and to also take down the front overgrown and halve the hight of the side hedge.

10/22 Twyford Growers: TPC have made contact to ask if RPC would like to be involved with this for the 2022 year, Mr Merrick proposed that RPC should join with RPC’s original offer of £1,250 for Ruscombe to have use of two of the spaces available, seconded by Mr M Evans and approved unanimously. Mrs Reid will arrange this payment to be made.

11/22 Finance: Payments to consider: –

Grant request – Keep Mobile: RPC will donate £150 Paid #1/1 2022

CR Landscapes £120: Paid #2/1 2022

Clerk wages and expenses £837.55: Paid #3/1 2022

Nest pension £51.52: Paid #4/1 2022

Twyford Growers £1,250: Paid #5/1 2022

SSE (December) £61.07: Paid via direct debit

These payments are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Merrick and approved unanimously.

12/22 Reports from liaison rep

Northern Parishes Action Group: Due to meet at the end of January 2022, Mr M Evans will report back.

13/22 Any other business: Mrs Reid requested to move RPC July meeting from 6ht July to one week later on the 13th July, agreed by RPC. Mrs Reid will advertise this change.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 2nd February 2022


Mr May closed the meeting at 8:58pm


Chair signed____________________


Date ___________________