Ruscombe Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford
On Wednesday 5th February 2020 at 7:30pm
Councillors Present: Mr J May (chairman), Mr M Evans (chair until item 19/20), Mr A Wrigley, Mr C Bell and Mr P Cassidy.
Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid.
In the absence of Mr May, Mr Evans opened the meeting at 7:35pm.
17/20 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe, Mrs C Bulman, Mrs K Robson and Twyford Parish Councillor Mrs L Jarvis.
18/20 Declaration of interest: Mr May, Mr Bell and Mr Evans declared that they are directors for the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).
Mr May entered and took over chair.
19/20 Minutes: Minutes for 8th January 2020 circulated. Proposed by Mr Wrigley, seconded by Mr Evans, approved unanimously.
20/20 Public Forum: No one in attendance
21/20 Liaison with Twyford Parish Council: No one in attendance but Mr Cassidy updated that TPC have set their budget for 2020/2021. TPC are considering switching off street lights between 12 midnight and 6am. TPC are crowd funding to plant trees in Stanlake Meadow and they are looking at doing “Twyford Green Medicine” to prescribe people to go for a walk.
22/20 Liaison with Wokingham Borough Council: No one in attendance but WBC are now in consultation phase for their Local Plan. This plan includes an additional 20 houses to be built in Ruscombe, 150 in Twyford and 160 in Charvil as well as many others across the Borough.
23/20 Planning applications:
193198 Coppers: RPC object to this application because of overdevelopment, garages at the front of the property (Security and not in keeping with RPC emerging Neighbourhood Plan), concerns over potentially 6 cars either reversing onto the driveways or off the driveways into the road and combined material impact to Ruscombe Lane form this and other development in the road.
200107 Janid, Milton Way: No comment
These comments are proposed by Mr May , seconded by Mr Evans and approved unanimously.
24/20 CCB Loneliness Project: No update but Mrs Reid will follow up.
25/20 Speeding in Ruscombe: Mrs Reid has requested to WBC to let us know when they will consider our request to change the speed limit at the crossroads.
26/20 Neighbourhood Plan: Progressing well, WBC are doing the screening opinion and Mrs Reid will investigate what evidence would be required for us to be allowed to include parking and plot size specifications.
27/20 Instant Ink Contract: Mrs Reid presented costs for printing per page on an instant ink contract (3p per page) versus buying ink cartridges (8p per page) therefore Mr May proposed that Mrs Reid signs RPC up to an instant ink contract at the cost of £3.49 per month to print 100 pages, seconded by Mr Wrigley and approved unanimously.
28/20 CIL:
Bridge painting: Mrs Reid is in contact with National Rial asset management and awaiting confirmation if they give permission to paint the bridge on Stanlake Lane.
Castle End Road Pond: Quote received from Wilson Woodcraft for £1,140 Mr Cassidy proposed that we do use this quote and not seek any others because the quote is from someone trusted by Stephen Loyd who maintains the pond on a regular basis, seconded by Mr Wrigley and approved unanimously.
SID: Mrs Reid still hasn’t received the correct information for fitting, awaiting confirmation. Mrs Reid will ask TPC who provided their SID.
London Road Verge wildflowers: Mrs Reid has received confirmation from WBC that RPC can go ahead with this project and they will remove that verge form their routine cutting. Mrs Reid to seek quotes.
Bin in Conservation area: Mrs Reid has received confirmation from WBC that RPC can install a bin on the triangle of land outside St James Church, nr the lamp and defibrillator. Mrs Reid to seek ideas of what style of bin residents might like and quotes.
Streetlamps: Awaiting quote.
Tree Planting: RPC to continue to think about how to achieve this.
29/20 Finance:
Ruth Reid Clerk wages and expenses £853.18: Paid Cheque #423
Sundew Ecology £600: Paid cheque #425
Nest Pension £57.02: Paid Direct Debit
SSE (January) £96.99: Paid Direct Debit
These payments are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Bell, approved unanimously.
30/20 Reports from liaison reps: None to report.
31/20 Any other business: Mrs Reid will confirm if the elections briefing is for Parish Councillors or Borough Councillors.
Pennfields parking: Mrs Reid will investigate any other options to making the grass more resilient to the cars parking on it.
Borough Parish Liaison Forum: Mr Howe cannot attend, nor can anyone else present.
Mr May closed the meeting at 8:47pm.