Ruscombe Parish Council
Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council
Held via Zoom Video call due to the Covid 19 virus outbreak
On Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7:30pm
Councillors Present: Mr J May (Chairman), Mr M Evans, Mr P Cassidy, Mrs C Bulman, Mr G Merrick, Mrs K Robson and Mrs J Holmes (from item 148/20)
Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid
Mr May opened the meeting at 7:32pm.
144/20 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe and Twyford Parish Councillor Mrs L Jarvis.
145/20 Declaration of interest: Mr May and Mr Evans declared that they are directors of the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).
146/20 Minutes: Minutes for 7th October 2020 circulated via email. Proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mr Evans, approved unanimously but not signed due to not being together.
147/20 Public Forum: None received.
148/20 Liaison with Twyford Parish Council: No one in attendance but Mr Cassidy attended Twyford Parish Council meeting and reported that TPC had 2 police officers/community support officers attend their meeting because Twyford has seen an increase in antisocial behaviour. The police talked about benches being an attraction to gatherings of people that then leads to antisocial behaviour. The police also explained that ring doorbells and personal CCTV have helped the police with providing evidence.
Mrs Holmes entered the meeting.
Mr Cassidy reported that Twyford have had a peak of antisocial behaviour in King George’s field and around Loddon Hall, since moving a bench from hidden view into public view within the park, the antisocial behaviour has reduced. This led to RPC discussing their plans to install benches in the community orchard but there is concern that RPC would be inviting antisocial behaviour which is not what RPC want. RPC will install a backless bench and lower the hedge, so the bench is visible.
Mr Cassidy reported that Twyford library will remain closed. TPC are aware that someone is conducting archaeological digs in the land west of Bridge Farm because the land is listed in WBC local plan so planning applications could be being considered. TPC are doing social prescribing, the GP will refer people onto the social prescribing service, and they will arrange the activity with the patient, this could reduce prescriptions of anti-depressants. Mrs Reid will get the details of this from TPC as RPC may like to contribute as the Twyford doctor’s surgery serve Ruscombe as well as Twyford.
149/20 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: No one in attendance by Mr Howe has updated RPC via email that Wokingham have seen an increase of Covid 19, although the rates are still relatively low compared to those of England they are slightly higher than those for the South East.
150/20 Planning applications: None to discuss.
151/20 Neighbourhood Plan: Mr Evans reported RPC had a positive meeting with ONeill Homer. The main issue with the neighbourhood plan is policy RU2 the design policy, ONeill Homer have suggested that they could do a Character Assessment of the area, this would involve one of their planning professionals walking around Twyford to assess each area objectively and define each design area of Ruscombe. The complete cost of work to get RPC neighbourhood plan to the Regulation 14 is £4,125+VAT, this includes the character assessment. Mr May proposed that RPC do use O’Neill Homer to complete this work, Mr Evans seconded and approved unanimously.
152/20 Ruscombe Ponds: Mr Merrick has been writing a set of guidelines that RPC will be asking contractors to work to. These will be to protect contractors and RPC and RPC will offer high vis etc to volunteers.
153/20 Ruscombe Parish Council website: Mrs Reid has reported on three options for a new website:
Netwise £599 and then £300 per annum.
Parish Council websites £649 and then £720 per annum.
Narkedesign £349 and then £150 per annum.
Mr May proposed to use Netwise because their website has the best layout and looks most appropriate for what Ruscombe need, this is seconded by Mrs Bulman and approved unanimously.
154/20 Remembrance Service: St James church have had to cancel the Remembrance service because of the new national enforcement to control Covid 19 but the church are preparing an online service which included recording at the memorial at St James Church therefore Mrs Reid has laid the wreath at the memorial to be included in that filming.
155/20 CIL money:
Bridge painting: Mrs Reid has spoken to Network Rail and they have confirmed that they will book and pay for the work to be completed.
Pennfields Land: Mrs Reid presented 4 quotes
- Approximately £30,000 to include replacement of existing paths with Brendan gravel and Brendan Gravel in the central area
- £11,102.43 to include replacement of existing pathways and central area
- £5667.01 leave existing pathways as they are and grass turf in the central area
- £7,890.77 replacement of existing pathways and grass turf central area.
Mr Cassidy proposed that quote 4 is most suited to Ruscombe’s needs because it does include replacing the existing pathways but the design with grass central area will be more natural, Mrs Holmes seconded this and approved unanimously.
Ackers solicitors also need RPC to agree if they should conduct Chancel Survey for £60 and Environmental Survey for £270, Mr Cassidy proposed RPC should ask Ackers to complete both of these surveys, seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously.
156/20 Finance:
Grant request – Citizen Advice Wokingham: £150 Section 137 donation Paid via Unity 1/11 2020
Window Flowers £240: Paid via Unity 2/11 2020
Clerk wages and expenses £668.03: Paid via Unity 3/11 2020
Nest pension £54.52: Paid via Direct Debit Unity 4/11 2020
SSE (October) £96.99: Paid via Direct Debit Natwest
These payments are proposed by Mr Merrick, seconded by Mr Evans and approved unanimously.
Mrs Reid reported that WBC streetlighting have now completed the inventory of streetlights that RPC required and Mrs Reid has passed these onto SSE to have the energy bills reduced as appropriate.
157/20 Liaison Reps:
Mr Evans reported that NAG are due to meet via zoom on 18th November and Mr Evans will attend.
Mr Cassidy that Twyford Together have got their AGM coming up, Mr Cassidy will attend.
158/20 Any other business:
Mrs Bulman asked if Mrs Reid could check when the great crested newts dig into the mud, this could affect when the pond should be dredged. Mrs Reid will check.
Mrs Reid is hoping that the police can attend RPC December meeting and will confirm as soon as they confirm. RPC should prepare questions for the police.
Mr May closed the meeting at 9:00pm