
RPC Minutes 4th December 2019

2019 Minutes Uploaded on September 23, 2021

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford

On Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Mr J May (chairman), Mr M Evans, Mr A Wrigley, Mrs C Bulman and Mr P Cassidy.

Twyford Parish Councillor Present: Mrs L Jarvis.

Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid.

Mr May opened the meeting at 7:35pm.

145/19 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe, Mr C Bell and Mrs K Robson

146/19 Declaration of interest: Mr May and Mr Evans declared that they are directors for the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).

147/19 Minutes: Minutes for 6th November 2019 circulated.  Proposed by Mr Wrigley, seconded by Mr Evans, approved unanimously.

148/19 Public Forum: No one in attendance

149/19 Liaison with Twyford Parish Council: Mrs Jarvis updated that Michael Firmager is due to attend TPC meeting in February. TPC have purchased some new goals and ground sockets for the goals in King Georges field. TPC would like to raise awareness of their meet the councillor sessions by advertising in RG10 magazine and notice boards. Citizens advice will be doing some outreach projects and providing promotional information. TPC would like to raise awareness of the lake behind the waggon and Horses pub.

150/19 Liaison with Wokingham Borough Council: No one in attendance but RPC have been informed that WBC will be asking residents to keep cardboard and paper recycling dry, this is because they cannot recycle it when it is wet. Wargrave fire station was being threatened with closing, it will remain open for another 6 months, with opportunity to extend if feasible.

151/19 Planning applications: None to discuss, but RPC do note that WBC have approved some applications that RPC feel are inappropriate, RPC will continue to monitor this an act as necessary. McCarthy and Stone have agreed to put blinds up in the communal areas to protect neighbouring properties from light pollution and a fence up to a neighbouring property to shield the neighbours garden from work being carried out on McCarthy and Stone property.

152/19 Budget setting for 2020/2021: Draft budget set, to be formally agreed in January 2020. Mrs Reid shared the banking sheets for the 2019/2020 year so far, RPC would like to use the 2019/2020 budget allocated for donations, all councillors to think about who to donate to. RPC would like to develop a new website for next year, Mrs Reid will ask TPC who made their site as it is easy to navigate. Mrs Reid will ask the Twyford Youth Centre if they would benefit from £500, this is extra to the donations budget.

153/19 CCB Loneliness Project: Mrs Reid is due to meet Tim Parry from CCB on Thursday 5th December to discuss the project and will feedback to RPC after. RPC would be keen to know why people are lonely.

154/19 Ideas for the Borough Parish Liaison Forum agenda: Mrs Reid will put forward the following suggestions

Environment – Increase planting, asking landowners to plant in their land.

Cycle Routes – Increase what’s available

Traffic – How to resolve problems of too much traffic, too fast traffic and providing additional electric charge points for electric cars to encourage the use of electric cars.

155/19 Environment: Mr May put forward the idea of carbon offsetting Ruscombe by planting trees. RPC would need to plant around a thousand trees. Mrs Reid to investigate who owns the undeveloped land in Ruscombe and contact them to see if they would be interested to sell an acre to RPC to use for this purpose. All councillors to think about if there is any other land that could be planted. RPC to consider if this project would be to enhance the area or just for offsetting purpose.

156/19 Nature Recovery Network: WBC have asked RPC to complete a Nature Recover Network consultation. Mrs Reid will draft and share for opinions, to include answers about renewing hedges, enhancing land and the existing nature network and using hedges instead of fences.

157/19 Neighbourhood Plan:  RPC and volunteers are making very good progress. One of the volunteers has got a quote from Sundew Ecology to complete part 1 a desktop study of Ruscombe for £692, this study is required to complete one of the sections of Neighbourhood Plan. Secondly Part 2 is a walkabout study of Ruscombe and will provide RPC with some ideas of future projects RPC could complete to further develop the ecology of Ruscombe, this part is optional but RPC NP team feel it would be very useful to do this because the biodiversity of Ruscombe is one of the main focus’ of the Neighbourhood Plan. These reports are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Evans and approved unanimously. Mrs Reid will ask Mr Howe to liaise with WBC about the screening opinion, it is information WBC need to provide and other borough councils will do so without seeing draft plans but WBC are refusing to do so.

158/19 Tree cutting over Castle End Pond: Stephen Lloyd has recommended that the trees over the pond are cut but that their volunteers cannot do it. Mrs Reid has checked with SSE and the power lines over the pond are insulated so there is no risk to workers from them. Stephen Loyd has recommended a company to do the work, Mrs Reid will contact them for a quote, if suitable this could be approved via email.

159/19 CIL:

SID: Mrs Reid is awaiting the correct quote to be sent from Simmonsigns, which seems to be the most appropriate to RPC’s needs.

Wildflower Verge: Mr Cassidy presents an estimate from Gardening for good for approximately £2,710. Proposed by Mr Cassidy, seconded by Mr Wrigley and approved unanimously. Mrs Reid will now contact Gardening 4 Good to organise this. They have also provided an estimation for the Community Orchard but RPC cannot proceed with this until we officially have the land.

Streetlamps: Mr Bell had shared via email where he thinks new streetlights should be added along New Road, Mrs Reid will continue to ask WBC for information about the current design of lamp and price. Once we know if the project is feasible then RPC can consult resident on New Road.

160/19 Finances:

Clerk wages £732.02: Cheque #417

Twyford Parish Council £200: Cheque #418

Nest Pension £66.53: Direct Debit

SSE November £94.22: Direct Debit

These payments are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mrs Bulman and approved unanimously.

161/19 Reports from liaison reps:

NAG: Mr Evans reported that Mr Bell will become their new chairman.

Twyford and Ruscombe Community Association (Loddon Hall): Mr Wrigley attended their AGM. RPC will need to think about who represents RPC at TRCA meetings once Mr Wrigley steps down from RPC in May.

Mr May closed the meeting at 9:26pm.