Ruscombe Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford
On Wednesday 3rd October 2018 at 7:30pm
Councillors Present: Mr M Evans (Vice chairman), Mr A Wrigley, Mr P Cassidy, Mrs K Robson, Mr G Howe, Mr C Bell.
Twyford Parish Councillor Present: Mrs L Jarvis.
Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid.
291 Apologies for absence: Mrs C Bulman and Mr J May.
292 Declaration of Interests: Mr Evans, Mr Howe and Mr Bell declared that they are directors of the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).
Mr Evans declared that he lives next door to planning application number 182415: Percy Cottage.
293 Minutes: minutes from 5th September 2018 circulated, proposed by Mr Evans, seconded by Mr Cassidy and approved unanimously.
294 Matters Arising: Mrs Bulman has stood down as planning vice chairman and will not be attending meetings for at least another month, beyond that Mrs Bulman will decide as to whether she can remain as councillor. It was felt by all councillors present that Mrs Bulman should take the time she needs, without pressure to return or resign. Mr Howe will represent RPC at the Borough parish liaison forum. Mrs Reid will forward RPC minutes to Mrs Jarvis for Twyford Parish meetings.
295 Public Forum: No members of the public were in attendance.
296 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: Mrs Jarvis reported that TPC are concerned by the number of senior Borough Council staff that have left, and they are concerned by WBC struggling to find permanent replacements. TPC will be writing to WBC to express this. TPC have a neighbourhood plan subcommittee whom will be monitoring air pollution of Bell corner, Twyford. They will be producing a questionnaire for residents to complete. TPC hosted a very successful fete, although for next year, they need more volunteers. Twyford Together hosted community awards, Kathy Peck won Twyford Parish Council Citizen of the Year award, congratulations to Kathy. Twyford and Cuincy (Twinned village in France) are doing an exchange to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1.
297 Update from Borough Councillor: Mr Howe reported that WBC have appointed interim directors, although with interim sustainability and consistency can be difficult. Some directors have been promoted into other councils. Lyndsey Ferris appears on the front cover of the Wokingham Post claiming that WBC is about to go bust, Mr Howe was unsure of what substantiated the claims. Starworks are proposing to use a site in Knowl Hill this would increase the traffic through the area, RPC will submit an expression of disapproval, proposed by Mrs Robson, seconded by Mr Wrigley and agreed unanimously.
298 Neighbourhood Plan: The first volunteers meeting was well attended. Volunteers felt that they would like to see some examples of Neighbourhood plans for similar areas to Ruscombe, as well as draft project plan and skeleton plan. RPC and volunteers are due to meet again Thursday 4th October, to try and agree statement of purpose and next steps.
299 Remembrance Sunday: Mr Wrigley and Mr Bell will be attending the remembrance service at 08:45 on Sunday 11th November at St James church to lay a wreath on behalf of RPC. Wreath will cost £19.25, order form completed and cheque #369, proposed by Mrs Robson, seconded by Mr Wrigley, approved unanimously, this will be a section 137 payment. Maggie Barnes has made contact with Mrs Reid about 10 posters, each one detailing the life of a Ruscombe resident whom fought in WW1, these were used four years ago, at the 100th anniversary of the beginning of WW1, and are now due to displayed again, but they have become damaged. Mrs Reid has found a printing company whom can reprint them for £50+VAT, proposed by Mr Wrigley, seconded by Mrs Robson, approved unanimously, this will be a section 137 payment.
230 Planning applications: 182415 Percy Cottage Previous planning application was refused, this is a resubmitted application, the details of the application are not yet available online, MRs Reid will circulate them once they are, comments will be needed before 31st October.
181122 Ruscombe Business Park application was approved by WBC.
Mrs Jarvis left the meeting.
301 Finance:
CRPW £5988 – with Mrs Robson, Mr Cassidy and Mr Wrigley (the majority of our non CPRW director Councillors) in attendance, this payment could be proposed by Mrs Robson, seconded by Mr Wrigley, and approved unanimously, Cheque #362 handed to Mr Bell. This is a section 137 payment.
Twyford & Ruscombe Community Association £16.39: proposed by Mr Wrigley, seconded by Mr Howe, approved unanimously. Cheque #367
Clerk Wages and expenses £449.32:
Ruth September 2018 | |||||
General Council | Neighbourhood plan work | ||||
Hours | 28 | Hours | 5 | ||
Hourly rate | £10.92 | Rate | £10.92 | ||
total | £305.76 | total | £54.60 | ||
Additions | |||||
Office allowance | £83.33 | ||||
Deductions | |||||
Pension August 5.5% | £21.40 | 5.5% | Pension 5.5% | £3.00 | |
Expenses | |||||
paper | £21.99 | ||||
stamps | £8.04 | ||||
Total | £30.03 | ||||
Total general council | £397.72 | Total N Plan | £51.60 | ||
Total payable | £449.32 | ||||