
RPC Minutes 2nd October 2019

2019 Minutes Uploaded on September 23, 2021

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford

On Wednesday 2nd October 2019 at 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Mr J May (chairman), Mr M Evans (Meeting chair until item 120/19), Mr P Cassidy, Mr C Bell, Mrs K Robson, Mr A Wrigley and Mrs C Bulman.

In attendance: Mrs L Jarvis (Twyford Parish Council).

Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid.

Mr Evans opened the meeting at 7:30pm.

114/19 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe

115/19 Declaration of interest: Mr May, Mr Evans and Mr Bell declared that they are directors for the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).

116/19 Minutes: Minutes for 4th September 2019 circulated.  Proposed by Mr Cassidy, seconded by Mr Bell, approved unanimously. These minutes were signed by Mr Evans in the absence of Mr May not arriving to the meeting yet.

117/19 Public Forum: No one in attendance

118/19 Liaison with Twyford Parish Council: Mrs Jarvis updated that Stephen Conway was at the latest TPC meeting, he had presented a petition to WBC from residents of Brook Street Twyford requesting residents parking. Twyford Police station will close and services move to Wargrave. The synchronization of the Twyford crossroads had broken, but this should be resolved by now. TPC are planning to cut some overgrown trees and bushed in the burial ground and millennium garden. Twyford won a gold award for the Thames & Chiltern in bloom.

119/19 Liaison with Wokingham Borough Council: No one in attendance but Mr Bell shared that his understanding is that John Halsall and Theresa May are both supportive of WBC’s enough is enough policy and that Grazeley is still the first choice location for large housing development.

120/19 Planning applications:

192265 134 – 142 London Road: No comment

192545/192353 Church Cottage: No comment

191887 Longfield Road Twyford: No comment

Mr May entered the meeting.

192315 Land opposite St James Church: RPC object to this application for the following reasons:

Parking: There are no extra parking spaces provided for the burial ground and because the burial ground is separate to the church there could be two separate events taking place at the same time and parking facilities in the area cannot park more than about 10 to 15 cars.

Water table: Water table levels are high in this area and RPC are concerned about water contamination.

Archology: RPC are concerned not enough consideration has been given to the archaeological status of the land.

Planning notice: A planning notice has not been displayed on site therefore not providing residents the opportunity to known about the application and comment.

Use of external consultants: RPC will remember to use an external planning consultant if they feel it is necessary.

121/19 Neighbourhood plan: RPC and volunteers had a very successful meeting last week and most of the remaining tasks are allocated. The bulk of the remaining work is on biodiversity and green spaces and creating general planning rules for future developments. The next meeting will be on 16th October.

122/19 CIL Money:

Old Allotment Land: Mrs Reid met with two people from WBC at the land and in principle they agreed the land can be given to RPC on a community transfer, they will investigate how to do this. RPC would like the whole land including pathways, they understand they would be responsible for all upkeep of the ground, there wouldn’t be any restricted access to the land but RPC do not want a road sign so knowledge of the community orchard would be local word of mouth and would not be restricted as to who could access or use the produce.

Ruscombe name signs: Mrs Reid is waiting for a quote from WBC for four signs. Mrs Reid will check if there is currently a sign on Stanlake Lane near the railway bridge, if there is Mrs Reid will request another to be included in the quote.

Speed Indicator Device: Mrs Reid has investigated three SID’s RPC agreed they like the Simmonsign one because it is more compact than the others. Mrs Reid is waiting for the street lighting team to explain the weight capacity of streetlamps as this is where the SID would be mounted.

123/19 Speed at the crossroads: There have been three car accidents at the crossroads in recent weeks, RPC are concerned about this. Mrs Reid will ask WBC what would be involved to reduce the speed limit on that section of road to 30 and the write SLOW on the road. Mrs Reid will check all street signs at the cross roads point in the correct direction and will ask the police or neighbours for crash dates to show WBC as to why the speed should be reduced.

124/19 Remembrance Service: Mr Wrigley will attend the service and present the wreath on behalf of RPC.

125/19 SSE Renewal of contract: Mrs Reid will investigate other providers to check the rates offered by SSE are competitive and check previous bills that they are lower because of the LED lights. Mrs Reid will check minutes and paperwork for confirmation of previous renewal.

Mrs Jarvis left the meeting.

126/19 Finance:

Citizens Advice: £150 donation with Section 137. Cheque #413

The Link Visiting Scheme: RPC will not donate at this time because they do not currently support anyone in Ruscombe or host any activities in or near Ruscombe.

Poppy Wreath: £19.25 cheque #410

Edge IT: £94.80 cheque #411

Clerk wages: £641.73 cheque #412

Nest Pension: £57.02 direct debit

SSE: £79.96 direct debit

These payments are proposed by Mrs Robson and seconded by Mr Wrigley.

Mrs Reid gave online banking application forms to Mrs Robson who will go in with her ID then pass onto Mr Cassidy and Mr May

127/19 Reports form Liaison reps: NAG Mr Evans reported they are still looking for a new chair, RPC will ask if any residents are interested in joining at the next Neighbourhood plan meeting.

128/19 Any other business:

McCarthy & Stone: A resident has brought it to RPC’s attention that lights are on around the McCarthy and Stone site all night and the light is polluting into the gardens and houses of Walnut Tree Close. Mrs Reid will draft a letter to McCarthy & Stone to ask them to install light shields or motion sensor lights.

Dog Poo Bins: Mrs Reid will ask for a quote for a free standing bin to be installed and collection costs, dependant on price RPC will then decide how many to install. A freestanding bin could be used for dog poo and general waste.

Ruscombe ponds: RPC have noticed they are quite overgrown, Mr Bell and Mr Cassidy will talk to the volunteers that look after the ponds to see when they’ve scheduled for maintenance.

Police walkabout: Mrs Reid has received an invitation form the local police officers requesting RPC to show them the problematic areas. Mrs Reid will arrange this with them.

Fence between Pennfields and Middlefields: Resident have complained about the garages being fenced across the back on Middlefields, through the back of the garages use to be used as a path to Pennfields. Mrs Reid has visited the site with WBC and they will consult with Middlefields residents 20 to 27 about reopening the original pathway that is lit by street lamps therefore much safer than using access through the back of garages.

Christmas dinner: Agreed to move council meeting from the 1st of January 2020 to the 8th January 2020 and have the Christmas meal on 15th January 2020.


Mr May closed the meeting at 9:45pm.