
RPC Minutes 2nd January 2019

2019 Minutes Uploaded on September 23, 2021

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford

On Wednesday 2nd January 2019 at 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Mr J May (chairman), Mr C Bell, Mr P Cassidy, Mr G Howe and Mr A Wrigley.

Twyford Parish Councillor Present: Mrs L Jarvis.

Clerk in attendance: Mrs R Reid.

Mr May opened the meeting at 7:30pm.

1/19 Apologies for absence: Mrs K Robson, Mr M Evans and Mrs C Bulman.

2/19 Declaration of Interests: Mr May, Mr Howe and Mr Bell declared that they are directors of the Campaign to Protect Rural Wokingham (CPRW).

3/19 Minutes: Minutes from 5th December 2018 circulated. Proposed by Mr Bell, seconded by Mr Cassidy and approved unanimously.

4/19 Public Forum: No members of the public were in attendance.

5/19 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: Mrs Jarvis reported that TPC have ordered 10 tons of scalping’s to level out the pathway on Hurst Road allotments and a handrail for the London Road allotment entrance. TPC have awarded grants to the ARC Youth Counselling service and the MS Therapy Centre. Due to the insufficient space along Stanlake Road to create a pathway TPC will be discussing the idea of creating a pathway along the inside of Stanlake Meadow.

6/19 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: Mr Howe reported that Mr John Halsall has been appointed Executive Chairman of Environmental Services by the new Leader of WBC Julian Sumner and Mr Howe is Deputy Chair to Mr Halsall. Mr Howe is appointed as Chair of Audit. WBC will be coming to meet all the parish councils to find out their requirements and opportunities. Mr May and Mr Evans are booked in to meet with WBC on the 18th January at Twyford Library. RPC discussed their priorities, these are Traffic, protection of the Green Belt and Parking.

7/18 Neighbourhood Plan Update: The questionnaire has been edited and emailed out to volunteers with experience of questionnaires, one of them has said they will comment. Mrs Reid will email it out to all councillors and other volunteers to gain wider opinions on it. RPC aim to set a volunteer meeting within January. Mr May will email Mrs Reid census information for Mrs Reid to review. WBC have the Local Plan update meeting on the 10th January at Loddon Hall, this is a walk-in information evening. CPRW have information coming out to resident’s end of January.

8/18 CIL:

Land near St James Church: Mrs Reid contacted the Dioses of Oxford about the land opposite St James Church. They replied to say that they are in discussions with WBC about the land being used as cemetery land. Mr Howe will try and find out who within WBC are dealing with the project to find out if they do intend to use the land.

St James church Fences: Mrs Reid has been informed that replacing and repairing the fence would be something that CIL money could be used for. Mr May will contact Mr Barnes.

Pennfields Parking: Mr Wrigley noticed surveyors on the land before Christmas. Mrs Reid will chase the survey results.

Loddon Hall Doors: Mr Wrigley will confirm once Loddon Hall have received a quote for replacement doors.

9/19 Planning applications: Mrs Reid will circulate an application received on 2/1/2019 to widen the entrance of Primrose Nursery. This is located within Wargrave Parish Council, RPC have been consulted because of its very close location to RPC.

10/19 Finance:

Mrs Reid Wages and Pension £580.42 Cheque #376 and Nest £54.42 direct debit

December 2018
General Council Neighbourhood plan work
Hours 35 Hours 6
Hourly rate £11.24 Rate £11.24
total £393.40 total £67.44
Total before deductions £460.84
Office allowance £83.33
Pension 5% £23.84 Pension 5% £3.37
Total general council £452.89 Total N Plan £64.07
Bulbs £30.00
Adopt a street chocolates £24.00
Stamps and gift tags £9.46
Total £63.46
Total payable £580.42
Nest From Ruth £27.21
Nest from RPC £27.21
Total Nest £54.42      


Twyford Parish Council £200 Cheque #377 towards the repair of Leisure facilities used by Ruscombe residents. Cheque handed to Mrs Jarvis.

These payments are proposed by Mr Howe, seconded by Mr Wrigley and approved unanimously.

11/19 Update form reps: None to report.

12/19 Correspondence: Mrs Reid contacted Twyford Snooker Club to inform them RPC are independent to other Parish Councils and RPC consider grants from all local facilities.

Mrs Reid contacted WBC about the boundary sign along Castle End Road, it will be replaced.

Mrs Reid Purchased bulbs for a resident who had offered to plant them along Castle End Road.

Mrs Reid contacted WBC about getting the garages in Pennfields repainted but has not received a response.

Mr May closed the meeting at 8:34pm.