
RPC Minutes 1st September 2021

2021 Minutes Uploaded on September 16, 2021

Ruscombe Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting of the Parish Council

Held in the William Penn Room, Loddon Hall, Twyford

On Wednesday 1st September 2021 at 7:30pm

Councillors Present: Mr J May (Chairman), Mr M Evans, Mr P Cassidy, Mrs J Holmes and Mr P Evans (co-opted at item 129/21).

Clerk in attendance: Mrs Ruth Reid.

Also in attendance: Mr Gerry Wise Twyford and Ruscombe History Society.

7:35pm Mr May opened the meeting.

126/21 Apologies for Absence: Mr G Howe, Mrs C Bulman and Mr G Merrick.

127/21 Declaration of Interest: None.

128/21 Minutes: Minutes for 4th August 2021 circulated.  Proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mr Cassidy, approved unanimously.

129/21 Co-option of Paul Evans: Mr P Evans introduced himself and gave a brief description of his life and career. Mr P Evans left the room and Mr May proposed that RPC should co- opt Mr P Evans to become RPC councillor, this is seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously. Mr P Evans re-joined the meeting and welcomed to RPC.

130/21 Public Comments sent to the Clerk or Councillors: Mrs Reid is has had contact from a member of the public to complain about noise from antisocial behaviour in the community orchard in the evenings, Mrs Reid asked Mr Cassidy if he had heard anything and he has not and he does go out into his garden regularly therefore it is presumed the noise is coming from the play area, not the Community Orchard. Mrs Reid has requested that the resident does report the noise complaints to the police to keep track of what times of the day are problematic. The resident also complained about fly tipping on the Community Orchard, Mrs Reid will get this removed. Mr Howe has also forwarded on complaints from a resident that had contacted WBC, to say the wildflowers on London Road are preventing them from accessing the pathway – Mrs Reid will ask CR Landscapes to cut back access gaps, there is no pathway along the side of the road where the houses are – RPC do not want to create one currently because there is one of the opposite side and lastly, the speed on the London Road is too fast – Mrs Reid will write to Highways to request the speed is reduced because RPC do agree it is too fast, especially considering the A4 it leads to and from is only 40mph.

Mrs Reid has also received an overwhelming quantity of people praising the wildflowers and hanging baskets.

131/21 Update from Twyford Parish Councillor: No one in attendance.

132/21 Update from Wokingham Borough Councillors: No one in attendance.

133/21 Planning Applications

212712 and 212709 Thatch Cottage, Southbury Lane: No comment. This is proposed by Mr May and seconded by Mr M Evans and approved unanimously.

134/21 Ruscombe walking maps printing: Purco Print have quoted £172.00 for 100, Mrs Reid will ask for a quote for 200 because with the number of locations RPC will ask to put them into, 100 might not be enough. Mrs Reid has been emailing maps out and have emailed them out approximately sixty times so far. Residents have been very grateful to RPC for having them produced.

135/21 Tree preservation orders: RPC will discuss this again in October. Mr P Evans wondered if this could also be completed as part of the Green Canopy for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Mrs Reid will investigate.

136/21 St James Church trees maintenance: The church has cleared the tree that had died. Mr May proposed that RPC should donate £500 to the church to help with the cost of removing the tree and ask the Church if RPC can purchase them a new tree, seconded by Mr Cassidy and approved unanimously. Mr May will discuss this with the church.

137/21 Northbury Avenue Trees: CR Landscapes have quoted approximately £280 per tree to be replaced on Northbury Avenue with what RPC believe to be the same variety as existing trees. Mrs Reid will ask if smaller trees of this variety would reduce the cost. CR Landscapes have also quote £780 to tidy up the existing trees. Once RPC decide about replacement, they also intend to accept this maintenance quote.

138/21 SID Maintenance: Mrs Reid has received a quote from £50 to £100 each visit to the SID. RPC felt this was very expensive and Mrs Holmes husband has volunteered to do it. RPC thanked Mrs Holmes very much.

139/21 Neighbourhood Plan: Mrs Reid updated that WBC have given feedback again and Mrs Reid has passed this across to ONeill Homer to review. ONeill Homer have done reviewed this and have advised of some inaccuracies and advised that some of the things WBC have stated can be conducted concurrently, Mrs Reid will confirm this with WBC. Mrs Reid expects to have the submission document ready for sign off in October.

Mr May also updated RPC that he has spoken to Colin Dingwall at Community Communications Partnership. Colin wanted to talk to Mr May about RPC’s opinion on the development of housing in the Greenbelt on London Road and the proposal of Ruscombe Parkway Train station and relief road, Mr May expressed that RPC would not accept any development in the Greenbelt.

140/21 CIL money

History information board: Mr Gerry Wise gave an overview of the process to getting the board made up. Mrs Reid has sent the draft board to the church for them to review because RPC will place it near the church, Mrs Reid will email again to say if we do not hear back from them by 10th September then RPC will assume they agree the board. Mrs Reid will send Mr Wise the RPC logo to go onto the board. The board will cost £1,066.20. RPC would like Mr Wise to proceed with the order. This is proposed by Mrs Holmes, seconded by Mr Cassidy and approved unanimously.

Mr Wise left the meeting

Benches: Mrs Reid circulated six recycled plastic bench options. RPC felt that something more natural might suit Ruscombe better and therefore Mrs Reid will ask Winson Woodcraft for a quote.

Tap for Pennfields land: Mrs Reid updated that Thames Water are due to connect the tap on 24th September 2021.

Boundary signs: No update. Mrs Reid is awaiting a breakdown of costs from WBC.

Flower planters: Mrs Reid will share quotes via email.

Mr Cassidy wondered if RPC could use some CIL for a lasting legacy and putting the idea out to the public with a set a criterion – such as something that would last 100 years and be within a set budget, RPC like this idea and Mrs Reid will bring exact CIL money information to October’s meeting to further discuss this.

141/21 Finance: Payments to consider: –

PKF Littlejohn £240.00: Paid #1/9 2021

BDK Solutions £120.00: Paid #2/9 2021

CR Landscapes £120.00: Paid #3/9 2021

Clerk wages and expenses £682.61: Paid #4/9 2021

Nest pension £59.45: Paid #5/9 2021

SSE (August) £31.00: Paid direct debit

These payments are proposed by Mr May, seconded by Mrs Holmes and approved unanimously.

Mrs Reid will add Mrs Holmes to become signatory for RPC accounts.

142/21 Reports from liaison rep: Mr Cassidy reported that Twyford Together have met, they are planning a memorial for Gordon Storey and the Twyford Christmas market. Polehampton Charity will be 300 years old, and they are considering how to mark this milestone.

143/21 Any other business: Mr Cassidy asked about hybrid meetings, Mrs Reid explained RPC could purchase a conference microphone for approximately £80 but attendees to a hybrid meeting via the video call wouldn’t officially be classed as attending the meeting and would not be able to vote. RPC accept that people attending via a video call will not be recorded as attending the meeting, even when they have been required to isolate.

Mr May closed the meeting at 9:18pm.