
CIL report regulation 121B 2021 2022

2021 - 2022 Financial Year Uploaded on June 7, 2022

Neighbourhood CIL Annual Report 2021/2022

Name of Area: Ruscombe Parish Council

Date: 7/6/2022

This report is required by Regulation 62A of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended). It must be published by 31 December each year and made available on the Parish Council website, and/or Borough Council website.

Reporting period:  CIL Neighbourhood Monies received by the Council in 2021/22

  1. CIL Receipts
Reporting year

Total amount of CIL received in financial year (2021/22)



Previous years

Total amount of CIL received in financial year (2020/21)

Total amount of CIL received in financial year (2019/20)

Total amount of CIL received in financial year (2018/19)





TOTAL RECEIVED £101,331.11


  1. CIL Expenditure
Total amount of CIL spent in financial year (2021/22) £32,222.17


  1. Items on which CIL has been spent
Crossroads pond improvement £66.00
Bee Highway £500.00
Hanging baskets £4,831.20
Community Orchard tap survey £120.00
Three new streetlamps £17,105.77
Community Orchard £2,900.00
Pennfields tap £1,422.00
Pennfields tap £1,862.00
Local history board £1066.20
Three planters £1,125.00
Two benches £1,224.00


  1. Monies requested / recovered from Parish Council (Reg 59E, 59F)
Monies which have been requested, or recovered, from the

Parish Council in the financial year (2020/21)





  1. CIL retained
Total amount of CIL received in the financial year (2021/22) and

retained (unspent) at the end of the reported year (2020/21)

Total amount of CIL received in previous year(s) and retained

(unspent) at the end of the reported year (2020/21)

Total CIL receipts retained (unspent) £47,207.15